exercise 2 for project
The Frankenstein Comparative text tool was an interesting tool to use. One thing that I found interesting in particular is that there is an over arching theme that the ms
version of frankenstein is always more descriptive that its other parts
As you can see the annotations shows the ms versio going into much detail mean while the other four versions will typically just be using one word. Another thing that I foudn incredibly interesting is that even though the ms version is the most descriptive the 1831 version would occasionally replace entire sections that the other 4 version agree upon with entire paragraphs.
one last thing that I found interesting is that in one of the sections the thomas version decided to go into much more detail whereas the other four versions just simply stated “black lips” why the author decided to go into detail within this part of the section was what got me curious.
And lastly a review on the text comparing software. it was a little odd to use. there were entire sections of the text and the annotations as well that were crossed out. what this was supposed to mean im not too entirely sure. it was also really confusing to make the annotations line up with the text itself.